Welcome to ASAP, the Association of Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates!

Every PhD student affiliated with Amsterdam UMC is automatically a member of ASAP. Our organization is dedicated to supporting and advocating for the interests of all PhD candidates of the Amsterdam UMC. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive community where you can meet and connect with fellow PhD candidates, exchange ideas and experiences, learn from each other, and participate in a variety of events. Read more about our mission here

Want to be involved? Become an ASAP PhD representative in your department! See what it entails here, and meet our board here.

''PhD Know Your Rights''

Date: March 22
Time: 15:45-18:00
Location: Ebeling cafe, Amsterdam
Registration fee: 5 euros

What are your rights according to the CLA? What are you entitled to at the end of your contract? What to do when conflicts arise?

''Ice skating''

Date: March 7
Time: 18:20-20:00
Location: Jaap Eden Ijsbaan
Registration fee: 5 euros

Including gluhwien/hot chocolate
Excluding rental skates

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